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Какие вопросы задают на собеседовании в посольстве?
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Какие вопросы задают на собеседовании в посольстве?

Возможные вопросы и ответы на английском:

1. Are you married? Do you have children?
- Для большинства - No, I'm not. No, I don't.

2. Do you live with your parents? Why? Why not?
- Yes, I do 'cause I like living with them and they like living together too. - No, I don't 'cause I like living separately on my own.

3. Have you got brothers or sisters? Are they participating in any exchange program?
- Отвечайте как есть.

4. Have you ever been abroad? Where & when?
- Отвечайте как есть.

5. Do you have friends or relatives aboard?
- Ответ: No!

6. What do your parents think about your participation in the program?
- They are proud of me. They think it will make me more self-confident and mature.

7. Who gives you money for the trip? (Who pays for you trip?)
- Только - My parents. (даже, если это не так!)

8. What is your parents (annual) income? (How much do your parents earn?)
- I don't know. They never told me.

9. Where do your parents work?
- Отвечайте как есть, только чётко и понятно для американцев. И запомните - ОБА родителя должны работать и семья НЕ должна нуждаться.

10. Do you have a job? (Do you work?) If yes, where do you work & what's your job? Is it a
full-time or a part-time employment? What is your income?
- Если в форме DS-158 Вы не указывали, что где-то работаете в настоящий момент - отвечайте: No, I don't work. My studies take (eat) all my time.
- Если указывали - назовите работу. Она должна быть ТОЛЬКО "part-time"!

11. How many rooms are there in your flat/apartment?
- Ответьте как есть, но лучше - не меньше трёх.

12. Can you describe yourself? How can you characterize yourself?
- I'm honest, kind, responsible, cheerful and energetic. I like to ...

13. Can you describe your hometown?
- Что-то вроде - It's a beautiful town with lots of trees and parks, old buildings. I love it very much.

14. Are you a student? Are you a full-time or a part-time student?
- Yes, I am a (third-year) full-time student at ... (название ВУЗа - чтобы пресечь все дальнейшие вопросы).

15. Where do you study? What faculty/ department do you study at? What is your major?
- Ответ как и в предыдущем вопросе и - название основного (профилирующего предмета).

16. Why have you chosen this major/department/faculty/university?
- I'm very interested in ... (название предмета, специализации)

17. What year are you in? How many years do you have to go?
- I'm in the ... year. I have ... more years to go.

18. When are you going to graduate?
- In 2006 (например).

19. Will you have problems at your university if you come back late?
- Yes, I will. That is why I'm going to come back by the first of September.

20. Will you have any problems if you leave early?
- No, I won't. I'll be through with my exams before the departure.

21. What are you going to do after graduation? What are your plans for the future?
- I'll be working at... (название учреждения) as a... (должность).

22. What is your future job?
- тот же ответ

23. How well do you know/speak English?
- Not very well. And I want to improve it in the U.S.

24. How long have you been learning English? Where?
- ответьте как есть
25. Why do you want to go to the USA?
- To improve my English, to travel, to make new friends during my school break.

26. What is the purpose of your visit the US?
- то же самое

27. When do you want/need to start your job in the US?
- On the ... of June (May). - как у Вас в Placement Notice или Job Offer.

28. What job are you going to have in the US? How this experience will help you in your future? - I'll be working at (название лагеря/заведения, город, штат) as a ... (должность).

29. Where are you going to work in the US?
- тот же ответ

30. Where are you going to stay in the US?
- My employer will provide me with the housing. (In the camp. - для лагерной программы)

31. How long are you going to stay in the US?
- Till the first of September.

32. What will you do if you have problems with your boss at work in the US?
- I will listen to his recommendations and I will work better.

33. When will you leave the US? (When will you come back to Russia?)
- By the first of September.

34. What will you do after you come back to Russia?
- Go on with my studies.

36. Have you got any medical restrictions?
- No.

37. Do you have medical problems?
- No.

38. Are you on medication?
- No.

39. Do you have any chronic diseases?
- No.

40. Have you ever been charged with anything in Russia or abroad?
- No.

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